The Reed Smith Health Industry Washington Watch blog has been updated to discuss a variety of regulatory and other developments impacting health policy, including the following:
- Regulatory Developments — CMS has published regulations regarding Medicaid disproportionate share hospital payments, Medicaid non-emergency medical transportation services, and Medicare home health agency rates. HHS has published a final rule designed to protect the conscience rights of health care providers. The OIG has published its annual solicitation of ideas for new anti-kickback safe harbor provisions. The FDA is seeking comments on a planned study regarding coupons used in direct-to-consumer prescription drug print advertisements, and it has announced grants to support the clinical development of “orphan products.” Finally, and IRS proposed rule would require government entities to withhold income tax when making certain payments, including certain Medicare payments.
- Other CMS Developments — CMS has posted first quarter 2009 Medicare Part B drug and biological average sales price amounts; released details on the 2009 Physician Quality Reporting Initiative; posted nursing home quality ratings; and announced medical necessity reviews of long term care hospital stays. CMS also has provided guidance on accreditation of durable medical equipment suppliers, requirements for entities providing mobile diagnostic testing services; and how the HIPAA Privacy Rule can facilitate electronic health information exchange in a networked environment.
- FDA Guidance Documents — The FDA has issued a number of guidance documents dealing with such issues as labeling of nonprescription human drug products and dietary supplements, genotoxic and carcinogenic impurities in drugs, modification of devices subject to premarket approval, and orally disintegrating tablets.
- Obama Transition — President-elect Barack Obama has nominated former Senator Tom Daschle as HHS Secretary and Director of a new White House Office on Health Care Reform. Obama’s transition team also is calling on individuals to hold “Health Care Community Discussions” this month to make recommendations on health care policy. In addition, President-elect Obama has named Eric Holder as his Attorney General.
- OIG & GAO Reports — The HHS OIG has issued reports on adverse events in hospitals, Medicare drug prices, and special needs plans. The GAO has reported on Medicare Part D enrollment issues, Medicare Advantage plan profits and expenses, and characteristics of private fee-for-service plans.
- Odds & Ends — The Congressional Budget Office has released major reports on health care system reform and insurance reform. Congress has approved technical corrections to the new mental health parity law. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is seeking participation in a symposium on clinical and comparative effectiveness research methods.
- Looking Ahead — CMS is hosting meetings in February on applications for Medicare inpatient prospective payment system new technology add-on payments, hospital outpatient ambulatory payment classification groups, and genomic testing.
For details on these and other health industry developments, please visit