The FDA published a notice January 15, 2009 announcing the launch of a voluntary Secure Supply Chain pilot program to help promote the safety of imported drugs and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). According to the FDA, the program would enable the FDA to focus its resources on imported drugs that fall outside the program and that pose a risk of being adulterated, misbranded, or unapproved, while increasing the likelihood of expedited entry for specific finished drug products and APIs into the U.S. that meet the pilot’s criteria. The FDA plans to select 100 applicants to participate in the program, and each applicant may designate up to five drugs for selection in the pilot program. To qualify, applicants will need to meet the pilot’s criteria, including a requirement that they maintain control over the drugs from the time of manufacture through entry into the U.S. The FDA will accept comments on the program through March 16, 2009.