CMS is preparing to re-launch its controversial competitive bidding program for Medicare suppliers of certain types of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS). Under competitive bidding, only suppliers who are successful bidders will be eligible to furnish certain categories of DMEPOS to Medicare beneficiaries in certain geographic areas (with very limited exception). Under competitive bidding, successful bidders will be paid based on the median of the winning suppliers’ bids for each of the selected items in the region, rather than the Medicare fee schedule or supplier bid amount. This will be CMS’s second attempt to institute DMEPOS competitive bidding, after the first round of bidding was blocked by Congress last year because of widespread concerns about how the program was implemented. Reed Smith’s Life Sciences Health Industry Alert, “CMS Prepares to Re-Launch Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Bidding—Tips for Potential Bidders,” highlights seven steps suppliers can take now to prepare for the coming bidding period based on the lessons learned during the first round of bidding.
Home Health Care Medicare & Medicaid CMS Prepares to Re-Launch Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Bidding — Tips for Potential Bidders