Reed Smith’s Global Regulatory Enforcement Law blog features a post on the recent publication of the application decree to the “French Sunshine Act” by the French Ministry of Health. “A Brave New World? The ‘French Sunshine Act’ imposes online disclosure of contracts with HCPs, as well as of payments of ‘advantages’ to HCPs, dating back to 01 January 2012,” written by Daniel Kadar, discusses the specific ways and means that health care companies must disclose agreements with and “advantages” (payment or hospitality, including payment of a contractual fee) provided to health care practitioners ("HCPs") in order to comply with the application decree. Information to be disclosed dates back 18 months, to January 1, 2012, and the first disclosure requirement is set for June 1, 2013. According to Mr. Kadar, this tight timeframe raises compliance issues and has industry calling for reconsideration.