The Alameda County (CA) Safe Drug Disposal Ordinance (Alameda County Code Chapter 6.53, §§ 6.53.010-6.53.120) is one of several county-wide regulations across the United States to enforce the establishment of and/or participation in Product Stewardship Plans on the part of pharmaceutical manufacturers, with the ultimate goal of collecting unwanted drugs for purposes of disposal. The Alameda County Ordinance consists of two components: the establishment and maintenance of secured drug “disposal kiosks” at multiple locations around the county, and the creation and dissemination of “outreach” materials to make consumers and retailers aware of the program and locations of the kiosks. Reed Smith attorneys Gary Jeffrey and Charlene Chen discuss these ordinances – particularly the one enacted in Alameda County – in “Counties Seek To Implement Drug Disposal Ordinances.” While Gary and Charlene commend the goal of safe drug disposal, they criticize the Alameda County Ordinance as being “ill-conceived and arbitrary,” citing the lack of regulation for county officials to enforce the Ordinance, as well as other potential issues such as environmental effects and worker health and safety.

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