Reed Smith attorneys Jason Casell and Steve Miller will be moderating and presenting respectively on the “Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Industries Update” panel on November 10, 2016 at DRI’s Government Enforcement and Corporate Compliance Seminar.
This panel will examine recent government enforcement activities and legal decisions that might shape investigations, litigation, and resolutions of government claims. The criminalization of pharmaceutical and medical device FDA disclosure violations will also be addressed.
The DRI event will be held from November 10 to November 11 at the National Press Club, 529 14th Street, NW, 13th Floor Washington, DC 20045.
Other seminar sessions include:
- The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Anti-Corruption Compliance
- Data Breach: New Technology, New Challenges, New Risks
- Health Care Fraud: Riding the Wave
- Special Address: A Veteran’s Perspective on Key Principles of Professional and Personal Success
- Anti-Money Laundering and Bank Secrecy Act
- Special Address: Perspectives from a Federal Prosecutor
- When the Client Is in the Crosshairs: Strategies for Responding to Government Investigations
- Global Antitrust Enforcement
- A False Claims Act Case Study
- Environmental Dangers: Compliance and Ethics in Environmental Law