In France, transparency requirements are regulated by two main sets of laws: “The French Anti-Gift Law” regulates the provision of gifts, discounts and other incentives to health care providers by life sciences companies, while “the French Sunshine Act” imposes disclosure obligations on companies relating to benefits granted to, and agreements concluded with, health care providers.

While the French Sunshine Act has been frequently amended to reflect subsequent changes brought by implementing decrees, orders, and circulars, the Anti-Gift Law has been less subject to change, at least until now.

The recently-adopted Ordinance No. 2017-49 aims to extend the scope of the Anti-Gift Law, modify transparency procedures, and double fines for non-compliance, all of which could significantly affect life sciences companies,

For a detailed look at these changes and discussion of their impact, please read our client alert, “France: Again the life science industry will have to take a close look at a new set of regulations reshaping transparency-related obligations.”