Reed Smith will be presenting a virtual webinar series highlighting the numerous regulatory, litigation and transactional changes occurring in the European life sciences industry during the month of October. Our skilled life sciences team – joined by in-house counsel and industry professionals – will share their views on current industry developments.

Sessions include:

  • Multi-jurisdictional investigations in the life sciences sector – key updates from across the globe
  • Helping life sciences companies manage competition trends for post-pandemic success. A topical update on pay-for-delay practices, generics exclusion and price gouging
  • New legislative hurdles and unintended pitfalls: Regulatory considerations and strategies for global pharma and medtech companies
  • Access to data: Is harmonisation across the EEA achievable?
  • Listing on the LSE: experiences of U.S. life sciences companies
  • Doing business with research institutions: whose right is it anyway?
  • Deal making in the Life Sciences sector: how to successfully navigate the convergence of Intellectual Property and Competition Law

For more information or to attend any of these sessions, please click here to visit the registration page!