Jackie Godin

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After a Strong Enforcement Presence in 2015, OCR Starts 2016 with a $239,000 Civil Money Penalty Judgment

It has been a busy winter for the US Department of Health and Human Service, Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”).  Since November 2015, the agency has announced three settlements and one civil money penalty judgment amounting to over $5 million in fines and settlements.  Most recently, on February 3, 2016, a U.S. Department of Health … Continue Reading

HHS’ Selection of Contractor Provides Latest Update on Impending Second Round of HIPAA Audits

On October 27, 2015, a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) official stated that the agency has hired FCi Federal, a provider of management and professional services to government agencies in Ashburn, VA, to conduct the second round of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) data security audits.  Similar to the Phase … Continue Reading

Proposed Budget Deal Would Add Medicaid Inflation Rebates for Generic Drugs

As noted in our recent Health Industry Washington Watch blog post, outgoing House Speaker John Boehner and the Obama Administration have reached agreement on a two-year, $80 billion budget/debt-ceiling deal that includes Medicare and Medicaid “offsets” to finance other spending.  For manufacturers of generic pharmaceuticals marketed under abbreviated new drug applications, Section 602 of the proposed … Continue Reading

Cure of Security Rule Violations Following Breach of EPHI Cannot Save Covered Entities from $750,000 Settlement; Non-Breach Related Security Complaint Leads to $218,000 HIPAA Settlement

More than three years after the Cancer Care Group, P.C. (“CCG”) notified the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”) of a breach of unsecured electronic protected health information (“ePHI”), the radiation oncology private practice settled and implemented a corrective action plan (“CAP”) with OCR for $750,000. This settlement … Continue Reading

OCR Announces Settlement and Corrective Action Plan with Pharmacy Stemming from Alleged Violations

The HHS Office for Civil Rights recently announced a settlement and corrective action plan with Cornell Prescription Pharmacy (CPP), a small for-profit, single location, compounding pharmacy located in Denver, CO. CPP has agreed to pay $125,000 and enter into a corrective action plan to settle potential violations of the HIPAA Privacy Rule. This outcome is indicative of OCR's unwillingness to demonstrate wide variance in its enforcement response based on the size of an affected covered entity or the number of patients involved in a potential HIPAA violation.… Continue Reading