Tag Archives: Bauman

Upcoming Reed Smith Webinar on Recent Personal Jurisdiction Rulings, What Corporations Can Learn from Them

The Reed Smith Life Sciences Health Industry Group will be hosting an upcoming CLE webinar “Personal Jurisdiction: What Bauman Does and Doesn’t Mean, the Other Side’s Response, and Why Corporations Should Care” on June 14, 2016 at 12 p.m. ET. Reed Smith presenters Jim Beck and Steve McConnell will be discussing how plaintiffs’ lawyers are … Continue Reading

Attention Out-of-State Plaintiffs: The Tour Ends Here. Next Stop, Home

Last year, the Supreme Court sent a resounding message regarding personal jurisdiction when it decided Daimler AG v. Bauman, 134 S.Ct. 746, 752 (2014).  Bauman announced a significantly more stringent standard for finding a corporation to be “essentially at home” in a foreign jurisdiction and, as a result, made personal jurisdiction harder to establish in … Continue Reading

Are You Sure Your Company Is “At Home” In All 50 States?

Reed Smith attorneys Jim Beck and Michelle Cheng explain in a recent Washington Legal Foundation Legal Backgrounder that the Supreme Court's decisions in Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations, S.A. v. Brown (2011) and Daimler AG v. Bauman (2014) have narrowed the permitted scope of "general" personal jurisdiction against corporations. As a result, corporate defendants might want to think twice before making a general appearance in new cases filed in states other than the states in which they have incorporated or have located their principal place of business.… Continue Reading