Tag Archives: Legislation

Reed Smith Hosts Multifaceted Conference on Post-Acute Care

As highlighted on our Health Industry Washington Watch blog, Reed Smith hosted a dynamic conference on post-acute care in Washington, D.C. in early April. Entitled “Reed Smith 2014 Washington Health Care Conference: Focus on Post-Acute Care,” the conference brought together a panel of experts discussing episodic care, proposed bundling models, and alternative payment and delivery systems; … Continue Reading

Life after Riegel: a Glimpse of the Possible

This case provides an interesting glimpse of what could happen if the plaintiffs are successful in persuading Congress to change the import of Riegel v. Medtronic, Inc.’s, (552 U.S. ___, 128 S.Ct. 999, (Feb. 20, 2008)) holding through legislation. In Lundeen v. Canadian Pacific Railway Company, 532 F.3d 682 (8th Cir. July 2, 2008), the Eighth Circuit addresses … Continue Reading