Tag Archives: Wyeth v. Levine

Latest Post-Levine Case Holds That Conflict Preemption Bars Plaintiff’s Failure-To-Warn Claims

One of the strongest defenses against product liability claims, including a failure to warn claim, is federal preemption. For cases against prescription drug manufacturers, defense lawyers have specifically asserted conflict preemption to argue that failure to warn claims are preempted by the FDA’s regulations governing the content of labels for prescription drugs. Essentially, defense lawyers … Continue Reading

Why Michigan’s “FDA Defense” Survives The Holding In Wyeth

Washington Legal Foundation’s latest Legal Backgrounder, the "Logic of Michigan’s ‘FDA Defense’ Survives Recent Supreme Court Ruling", authored by Thomas J. Foley, explains why the Wyeth v. Levine, 129 S.Ct. 1187 (2009) ruling does not support a rationale to overturn Michigan law that provides a defense against drug product liability suits where the manufacturer obtained … Continue Reading

Next Drug Preemption Case Set For Supreme Court’s March 6th Conference

The Supreme Court had held action on a petition in Colacicco v. Apotex, Inc., No. 08-437, an implied preemption decision out of the Third Circuit involving an anti-depressant, pending the outcome of Wyeth. The docket now reflects that the case has been distributed for the Court’s March 6, 2009 conference. The most likely outcome is that … Continue Reading

Gerald Masoudi at ACI

Today's posts on lifescienceslegalupdate.com include "Gerald Masoudi at ACI" which includes some notes regarding the presentation by the FDA's Gerald Masoudi today at the ACI Drug and Device Conference, and "EPA Proposes Change in Regulations for Disposal of Unused Pharmaceuticals". View the full blog at https://www.lifescienceslegalupdate.com. View "EPA Proposes Change in Regulations for Disposal of Unused Pharmaceuticals": https://www.lifescienceslegalupdate.com/2008/12/articles/regulatory-developments/epa-proposes-change-in-regulations-for-disposal-of-unused-pharmaceuticals/… Continue Reading

JAMA on Preemption

Tomorrow's JAMA contains an editorial entitled, "Prescription Drugs, Products Liability, and Preemption of Tort Litigation" (subscription) by Catherine D. DeAngelis; Phil B. Fontanarosa (JAMA. 2008;300(16):1939-1941 (doi:10.1001/jama.2008.513)). Suffice it to say, the premise that tort litigation safeguards patient health is faulty. Ensuring patient access to innovative and needed medical options is essential. See Riegel v. Medtronic, Inc., 128 S. Ct. 999, 1009 (2009) (discussing the express preemption statute for medical devices and stating, "the text of the statute - suggests that the solicitude for those injured by FDA-approved devices, which the dissent finds controlling, was overcome in Congress's estimation by solicitude for those who would suffer without new medical devices if juries were allowed to apply the tort law of 50 States to all innovations.")… Continue Reading